Sunday: 9:30am – Groups // 10:30am Worship

Wednesday: 6:00pm – Ministry Activities

Welcome to Gordo First Baptist Church

Embracing All with Redeeming Love

Gordo First Baptist Church is a family of believers in Jesus committed to honoring God by making disciples who share His love with the world.

Visit Our Church

311 2nd St NW, Gordo, AL 35466

Call Us Now

+1 (205) 364 7392

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Our Beliefs

United By A Common Faith In Jesus Christ

The Bible calls us to be in community with other believers with Jesus at the center. While we are by no means perfect people, these are some beliefs we use as guideposts for our congregation.



We believe:

In one God who exists as three persons: Father, Son, and Spirit

The Holy Bible is the Word of God

Salvation is a gift that is received through Jesus Christ alone

Everyone is made in the image of God, but sin separates us from God

The mission of the Church is to preach the message of Jesus Christ

Our Ministries

Youth Ministry

We provide your kids with an environment to learn and understand the Gospel of Jesus Christ and form meaningful relationships with their peers and mentors.

Men's Ministry

The foundation of a healthy home, church, and community are healthy men. We will help equip the men of Gordo to lead the people around them by first being led by Jesus.

Senior Adults Ministry

Gordo First Baptist Church is committed to meeting the spiritual, social, and practical needs of older individuals within the congregation.

Check Out Our World Changers Program!

Every Wednesday night at 6:00 PM

Our Community

Everyone Is Welcome

Galatians 3:28 tells us “all are one in Christ Jesus.” At Gordo First Baptist Church we believe the church is a spiritual fellowship of people from every language, nation, race, tongue, and tribe who are united the Holy Spirit through a common faith in Jesus Christ.


That hope of unity can be yours too! Click the ‘Contact Us’ button below to talk to one of our team members about what a visit to Gordo First Baptist would look like!